CaityCupcakes10 May 9, 2016 Great, on my way! You can send the TBT now :3 Enjoy your balloons and chocolate!
CaityCupcakes10 May 9, 2016 Yours please! I'll be coming as Turnip from Tediwood, just finishing up someone else's order, I'll let you knew when I'm done!
Yours please! I'll be coming as Turnip from Tediwood, just finishing up someone else's order, I'll let you knew when I'm done!
CaityCupcakes10 May 9, 2016 It's actually ready right now, I just set it up but I'm getting someone else's order quickly, so would 15-30 minutes work? :3
It's actually ready right now, I just set it up but I'm getting someone else's order quickly, so would 15-30 minutes work? :3
P P PaletteTown May 7, 2016 Hi! I am in need of no fruit, but I will take Katie if you'd like! PM me if so.