Red Cat

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  • Hey, no problem. I had an errand to run but I'm back now.
    So just shoot me a VM and ill open my gates for you. ^_^
    I mostly definitely am. So would you like me to go to your town or would you like to come to mine? If you come to mine, the town is going to be named OneWorld by the way, same FC though.
    I'm available to trade. Would you like to come to my town or me to go to yours? Added your friend code btw.
    Oh I'm sorry, I'm back. I live in PST time zone. so right now it would be my 5:00PM. VM when you get back online!
    I agree.

    I liked the part where people are forced to do things. I wanted to say this in the thread but IMO just because it's easier to conform to what you already know (like a language) it's not impossible to research and start doing something else.

    I mean I get it. The English invaded what we now know as the US, but nothing is stopping anyone from re-learning the old or creating a new language to maintain their individuality. It just takes work. And no one should have to work for it right?

    Anyway, good talk. I know you and I don't always see eye to eye but I appreciate your arguments and even if I disagree, I always respect your opinion. I hope you know that.
    Sorry, I shouldn't have spoken on your behalf. I'm just so annoyed with the circlejerking in that thread.
    you are really way too generous, you know

    using all that time to type up a wall that will probably just get brushed off in less than a 10th of the time
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