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  • you changed your username !! After you talked about how the peach looks yesterday (´∀`)
    Not really sure yet, probably going to have dinner with the family and then watch a couple of movies. xD but me and my partner are thinking about going to london to see the christmas lights as well
    Thanks sm for checking up on it:’) you’re so sweet!!
    Yeah LOL I tend to only plot reset for villagers I specifically know I’m getting, so I’m real glad she didn’t pick the worst possible spot like all my other villlagera do :’D
    Hiiii. Well at first I completely forgot to plot reset, and wasn’t where I originally planned BUT she’s next to my house and I’m completely okay with that!! <3
    Hello! :) I acquire them from trades through different users using reddit, gamefaqs, and discord servers. I trade them for either RV visits or in game bells.
    It couldn't clog them up ! I absolutely needed everything and I wouldn't want to sell anything !
    Hi!! I'm available now! I added the other friend code I didn't have added (o:
    Thanks! Yeah I named my mayor my nickname. Jo isn't actually my real name but it's just a shorter version of my real name which is Josephine xD Oh nice! Having a snowy town definately fits you. It's nice to meet you Yuki ^^
    oh my goodness, jahsfhgjhjh, if you could help me with anything I would appreciate that so much!! I can also give you any TBT if needed, I hate just to take :eek:
    after I deleted the file I just sat there in shock :(
    That's good to hear! I wish you luck not getting it. Hopefully haha thank you! it's annoying when you get it at the worst of times haha. My partner is starting to come down with a cold so sadly theres a chance I will get it :( but still! I don't think I've told you my name, you can call me Jo if you want. ^^ Your mayor looks cute!
    Ahhh I see that makes sense. I hope your friend gets better at least! here theres been some bugs going around and I'll probably get it as well at some point. xD There isn't any signs of snow here yet, not looking foward to it.
    Yes! Thank you so much! Sorry for the late reply, I had to update my fc. My other one was for an old system
    That's fair enough. I'm not a massive fan of the winter, especially when it snows so I just stay inside if I can. I can imagine where you are the winter is intense?
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