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  • That's so nice of you!!! (too nice) ok, I will gladly accept your generous offer.
    hello red!! just letting you know that your partner sent me the items, thank you again!!
    I don't have any of these.... but I'm way too shy to ask for them lol are you sure?
    Ah im so sorry! I think something went wrong - it gave me a black screen (?). Could we perhaps try again?
    Yes, I finally found them, Thank you ♥ (wondering if I need more...)
    I wish I would have had time to buy more RV cards before they went out of stock
    How are you? :)
    Sounds good my dear friend, I hopefully will still be up then! I look forward to seeing you really soon! :D
    Ok, Sure! But i have to go back to my town real quick, im on the island! Ill message you when i have my gates opened! I will require your 3DS Friend Code! :)
    Hello my dear friend! :D It is all good, I completely understand and no need to apologize! I am just glad to hear that you are feeling better and I look forward to seeing you really soon! :)
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