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  • I'm sorry it took so long to reply. I was making a "buying" thread in the Museum Store and screwed it up twice. Now you stop that - nothing you vent to me about is silly. Plus I'm always happy to hear about what's going on with you. Oh no! The stomach flu can be bad! My son & I had one a couple of years back that almost sent us to the hospital. You can get dehydrated so quickly from the stomach flu! I hope you feel better soon.
    Thanks! Thank you for listening to me complain about this whole shower install process, too. I really appreciated being able to vent. How are you doing today?
    Hello! *hug* I know you're probably busy with trades but I wanted to tell you that we finally got approval to start the shower installation! The work is set to start next Wednesday. I'm so happy!
    I'll give up on trying to get the tables from you because your tine zone is way different then my, so I'll try to find someone else who has a better time zone and has the 2-table with cloth.
    Thank you so much! and I totally get that, I’m the same way when I reset. If you do need help with anything while you’re resetting though, I’m happy to help :~)
    I would love Sylvana!! I’m ready whenever! also, when are you resetting? do you need me to hold anything for you?
    Hi! No worries at all. I'm able to trade right now! Would you like me to pick up or do you want to drop off?
    No problem at all. I'll be around all day since I have nothing major going on today. I do keep updating my wishlist every so often. Let me know what you'd like for them! My town is still pretty new but I can give IGB or TBT for them!
    Hello! I am going on be on and off for the rest of the day today! Hopefully we can catch each other!
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