I've been time travelling heaps to buy starts and saplings from the shop everyday so i can get my town going gain but i cant figure out a theme. I keep changing between rainy or cherry blossoms, pink or natural, cute or oriental. Its a struggle, i'm on a mission to find some nice new paths but everyone I see that i like dont have a QR code wah D:
Im still in highschool and i literally came back to ACNL this weekend haha (Hopefully ill b able to make time for it with my schedule), i have no clue about amiibo cards n the camper ground n all that jazz, it was nice for you to explain some stuff to me :3
edit: honestly i wouldve tipped you more but im saving a lil bit for some dream villagers teehee, also id really love to check out your town sometime, i have a feeling its legendary, but i understand that youre probably busy