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  • It's like all character body pillows are like that, suggestive. Just looked up Luffy to rest my case, and the first images that pop up are him in a suggestive pose. Like really! .-. Don't ruin my image of Luffy! ********! >: ( Anywho, I think I'm more interested in the story than the characters themselves though. And I like the humor that goes along with those types xD But I think I get what you mean by creepy. Especially when those stories are so unrealistic. Like the female is thinking of the male main character at a particular time and then the next page has him randomly showing his face to her. There are others I've read that aren't creepy like that imo. Yona of the Dawn is one, which is personally my favorite manga because the main character's development is so unique and different to most romance manga. There is also Akagami no Shirayukihime, which is more cute but not creepy.
    I'll have to give it a try once I'm done reading this one :3 I bet it would be that type and I don't enjoy games like that. Obviously, I've read a ton of girly manga xD I guess I like those types that are directed towards a female demographic because the male characters will be attractive, which they are to me. But the main female character in Namaiki Zakari is cute too, I guess most are to me now that I think about it. Like I fell in love with Luka Megurine when I first saw and heard her sing.
    No I haven't, but it sounds interesting! Read the wikipedia page on it and it says they made a Nintendo DS game based off of the manga : o Would that be like one of those games that is more like a novel type game?
    So true! I wanted to make that statement. Babies* : P Unless the child has ADHD, then you can't really control them unless with medicine to some degree.
    Oh that's interesting! I guess the title can't exactly be translated easily in English so it's kept in it's Japanese form? I don't like energetic children. I know they are supposed to be that way but they should know to keep some of their composure when in doors.
    Namaikikazarari (btw does this word mean anything or is it like a made up word?) manga. I'm a sucker for romance manga even though I'm a guy xD and that type of manga has the same base in all of them. But I like any genre, just whatever I can find. I just happen to find this one. It's taking me forever to read because I'm only on chapter 22 and there is 80 chapters! I just want to know what happens! T.T
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