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  • I believe showing the weak side is actually a beautiful thing ^.^ Shows that you are just as human as being strong through hard times, physically or mentally. A patient masochist? : O
    Aww you're too sweet!! :) You always go above and beyond
    And I don't think she has any pink roses in her town yet so she'll love them
    Hey do you have a free pattern spot on your character? I'd like to give you something, if possible, when you visit Scrolwrk ^.^
    oh, and just wanted to let you know: pleaseeeee, don't feel any burden to leave a wifi/trade review for me! I'm only doing mine because you're too generous!^^
    I felt the same way! I was also freaking out because I thought my 3DS might be broken because my son was on our internet on his PS4 and wasn't having any connection issues. I really appreciate you letting me telling me. Thank you so much!
    Well, on one hand I'm glad it's not just me but on the other I wish none of us were having problems. Thank you so much for telling me all of this!
    Were you able to get deuces items to them? I still don't know what the heck was going on.
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