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  • Ohh my gosh, you got me my wishlist items too! T____T I'm crying, thank you so much! Enjoy the extra tbt I tacked on! ^^
    Correct. But with access to the internet, it's possible to just look up that artwork to view it digitally. I know some people do like to have art on their walls at home though. I have a printed painting that I paid probably less than $20 for. It was a painting in an art museum, and I'm not sure if the artist was popular. But maybe photograph prints are more valuable than art? It would make sense, as you can't exactly conjure a photograph like you can with art.
    Not to worry :)

    I think its best if we do it now, otherwise I might oversleep and miss you tomorrow :D
    Hey RedTropicalFish. I was wondering if you have anymore red or blue ogre masks? It's for my tropical town theme :)

    I can offer TBT or more pots of gold
    It was in the thousands :p My guess is the amount was based off how famous the photographer is. While going back through my photos, there was one photograph print of George Tice's that sold for $40,000.
    I'm so sorry I wasn't online at night. I'll try to remember to pick up the stuff today at night, if you're available at night.
    Wow really expensive prints at the gallery! There was a photographer's print selling for $40,000. I'm not sure about that cost in yen. I also learned that photography pretty much runs in my family so that's a positive. I have more hope for my skills xD
    I looked at the photographs on the gallery's site which were actually buyable prints and I do like his work. Which is why I chose to go see his stuff as opposed to the other artists of the list I could choose from, also distance was a factor. This gallery is much closer to where I live =P I'm actually going tomorrow morning!
    Hehe! I won't deny, you know my hips don't lie ♪
    It's true, I do have the pear shape thingie. Still, being thin is a lot better, wish I could trade ;v;
    Going to bed now~ Bom dia para você!
    Eeee I'm so excited ^.^ Have to go to a photo gallery for my class. Going there to look at the photographer, George Tice (if you have heard of him), work and the gallery also has works of Gordon Parks =D
    Thank you, but it's not, really... I still have a looong way to go... >v< But learning is really fun! :D
    I see... that's so cool! I'm kind jealous, hehe >v< I'm brazilian but my heritage is all italian and portuguese so I'm awfully pale and with a big tendency of putting on weight >//<
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