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  • Glad to hear that I do xD
    Hm, hm... I see e.e You're going to have to explain it to me in detail-- here, or on PSN.
    Same here~ I'd love to visit my ac friends irl, all of them are from WW, except 3, including you. Well I don't plan on updating my dreams until I've completed the towns. Since the last message, I've been kind of down and I don't know why nor do I know how to fix it. I guess I can only wait. I should be feeling excitement for a lot of things yet I'm not.
    Why did you think I didn't want you to talk to me personally?

    My Valentine's week was G-R-E-A-T! I'm still in NY, btw *smirk* I go back home in two days~ lol
    XD Arigato! Well last few days I've been down but today I decided not to let it get me down. Was planning to visit a friend and ac friend in another state this summer but idk if that'll happen :( What about you? Got your fix too? XD
    OK! She was thinking of inviting you to her discord. She was still interested in Beardo, and would really appreciate it. She saw you offer, and thinks it's so sweet of you to offer <3
    You’re quite the busy bee lol! I was up late last night XD I haven’t been so busy, just doing my normal stuff. Not much progress on my comic book as of late. On page four still rn.
    Thank you so much for holding onto Beardo for me. ; ~; You are so sweet. I'll fill you in on discord about what's going on later. How have you been recently? Busy bee as always?
    Hi there! Well for me, I have to figure out what pictures to take for my next assignment. Hoping I can take some tonight or if it is sunny the next few days as the photos have to be taken in a certain condition - shadows.
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