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  • Yeaaah. I restarted a lot and finally decided to just stick with it lol
    Thank you so much for your help! I'll add those friend codes now and open my gates!
    Sorry for not being on much, it's the weekend now so hopefully the trade can be done soon. How much tbt would you like?
    I just mainy need to catalog unorderables I don't want for my houses tbh.
    I don't mind how many times you come in or what towns you come in with. I'll show you how to get to the campground once and then I'll be off doing other things. Just let me know when I need to change the amiibo. c: Is there any friend codes I need to add?
    ?? how is a thumbs up a trump icon?? how has the symbol been bastardized?? this is all the more upsetting ;-;
    thank you so much! you too! will leave a message!

    edit: I just googled it and am v irritated at orange man
    and realizing how behind I am on memes
    meant it as a *like* though hahahaha
    lol will do, holy crap fish :D
    sounds good! thank you for trusting me with this :) just lmk where you put the chai items and I promise not to trample flowers (y)
    there is no thumbs up icon on this site and it upsets me .-.
    :eek: :eek: :eek: so speedy!
    btw if it's not too much trouble do you think I could pick up and catalogue orderable dlc (furniture), and HHD giant items?
    working on a special house ^^
    if not that's totally okay! someother time :) don't want to overload you
    also let me send you some btb or gift icon or sthn bc you're so nice holy crap
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