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  • Its cool that you live in Japan. The time difference not so much lol. Ill add you in a just a second. You're welcome thanks for letting me visit Chai. I did not get blue roses and I'm having no luck breeding them.
    You're ok. What country are you in its 5 am? I love to visit chai if that's cool? You can definitely visit T. Link.
    Hii Yuki <3 How are you? Sorry for the delay with the names! I'm really stressed out with uni ;__; Before christmas is like hell so many exames T_T
    Hi, I know you're probably busy. But I wanted to make sure you still wanted to trade for the inkwell items?
    For Rover I didn't order: Laptop, Rolling Suitcase. Mabel I didn't order the Ranch stuff. Kapp'n no Cabana, or the stuff from the island or the sushi platter. lol. and for green wall, modern wood flooring, alpine junk.. but its all ready.
    Aww T^T well he must love you lots to be so jealous? The sad thing about breaks is you have to come back to what you left eventually... :/
    That sounds like so much fun though, I've never really been to a picnic before! ( ._.) Shocking, I know... haha. It must be cold over there? We have such weird temperatures here... One day it's chilly, the next is way too warm, you can't even wear a sweater! And then you get sick because the temperature is so strange... *SIGH*
    This is my Whishlist, but u dont need trade, u already help me a lot. Just accept these itens as gift.
    Ahahaha not my head!! ( /O.O\) It's no problem, it's the least I can do, you're always helping me out anyway ><
    It was good, I had a lot of fun, I got to visit my cousin and some friends. Sadly, my cousin got sick while I was there lol so we didn't get to do a lot but, still I needed a break from life! haha~ What about you? I hope you had a good weekend too
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