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  • Mmks well I'm doing Celeste today I can get them on my backup cycling cause i have like 300 tickets.
    gates are open. if it doesn't work let me know what you need from her rv & i can order it for you - i have a lot of extra meow from tt
    I tried messing around with my 3DS, but it doesn't seem to coming from my end. I've had a few trades today, and haven't had this issue. Maybe I could try resetting my router and try again? I'm not sure what else to do.

    This is what I need, one of each, however I need 3 or 4 of the "donut cushion".

    Do you have a list to what Harvey items you need? I'm not sure how you can come over now because of the error. My gate is open if you want to test it. If you don't have a list I could snapshot what Harvey has, show it to you like so (x), then time travel to the next day, and repeat. I have plenty of MEOW coupons so don't worry.

    Or perhaps, we could try again another day and see what happens. It's likely only your connection.
    really? i'll load her just in case & you can drop by if you can, i'll just leave gates open for a few hours
    Hello! It's fine! ovo Take care of your real life things as they're more important. I'm willing to wait till later when you're ready. Thank you and have a good day!! <3
    haha i don't know, i woke up & couldn't get back to sleep. btw do you want to visit any rv's now?
    I'll see if I can try and fix this now, if it coming from my end. We can't trade none the less if we can't meet up haha.
    For some reason I can't seem to get into either towns, from Mao and Tanpopo2. I keep getting error 018-0515. Hmm... I'll reset my 3DS quickly.

    Nope. Still nothing. It says "unable to connect to partner's device".
    I saw you reopen Mao's gate, but I still can't get in. This is so odd.
    Is it the temporary internet connect you are using perhaps?
    yup i got all the kerropi stuff - thanks again!!! so far i have kerropi & my mellody so maybe Etoile or Chai?
    Hi ^-^ tysm for offering to help! 3/4 Of a locker are filled withe orange and pin flowers, + a bunch of blue flowers you said you liked as well :3 ill be going to work in 2 hours, but im available until then :3
    Haha that's fine! I've actually saved up enough coupons for the RV for all 3 players this time around, however sadly I haven't been collecting Harvey's items yet.
    Oh! Sorry for the confusion. I was meaning I still need the 7-11 RV, I was only able to order half of everything. And if you need any of the amiibos I have mentioned below, I would be happy to invite you over anytime. Just let me know!
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