Ohh~and haha I figured my collection habits would come in use. give me something to do for a month. And sure I'd love to come by ^^ lemme get this last person in.
lol! oh yeah there's not 1000 bubble wands in my mailbox! yeah i think i have a little bit of time. how many pieces per set? i want to make sure i have evough tickets
hey! yeah the one in my profile. it's my cycling town (so excuse the mess) but i can time travel there freely without worry. who do you want me to load up? i can just leave my gates open and you can come back and forth if you need to
Its quite alright :3 Atm im stocking my dresser with a fairly large amount of gifts that I remember hearing were your favorite :3 I should have them all ready by wednesday :3
hey are you online? if you want to come over let me know. i'll be back on later as well. which rv do you want time to load? i have all of the special amiibos now
I just happened to see on another thread that you can get the Sanrio RV and 7-11 RV, I was wondering if at some point could I order from them? I can give you IGB or TBT in return <3 I'm desperately searching for those so I figured it was worth a shot lol I hope this isn't a bother <3