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  • You seemed to need them and I have plenty to share, You should have kept the tbt. Thanks again for the gyroids
    Are you online now? Is there anything you need for your collection of anything in ACNL?
    Can I have two of every ice cream you have and do they ever run out when you use them?
    Since I don't have much tbt, I can only really pay with igb. Does the 99k price stick for the Japanese items I want? Oh and how much for the streetpass ice creams, I feel bad if those are just freebies.
    Opened Fishy! So sorry about the mix up! D: if I had another ds at the moment you would be more than welcome to drop in Macaroon. cx tysm for taking time with me!
    Yes, sorry it took me so long to respond. I'm really busy with school and sports. How much is it for all those items?
    The items being duplicated is completely fine, as long as they weren't hacked into the game, but i trust ye :3 If possible could I do a drop off and a pick up? If not ill start laying out clovers XD
    The mushroom tasted divine! Im looking for mush furniture atm, but you may have the plants for free!
    Yeah, I got a lil poo mushroom :3
    Thank you for asking! Also, do you still need hybrids, or even clovers? Though my hybrid stock dropped allot, i still have many clovers left w a few drawers worth of hybrids if youd like them?
    hello! if youre still online we were talking about me buying some items from you, and if youre still interested id love to do it right now!
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