It's a fast global shipping option, but as you can expect it's very pricey. The seller I won the game from is only using DHL now since economy shipping is gone.
Hi Yuki! How have you been doing? I haven’t been on here in a while, but came back for New Horizons. Are you playing it? By the way, I still have your Agnes and I still love her. I changed my language to French though, so now her name is Pansy haha.
I had won a copy of Final Fantasy 2 for the PS1, but they sent me a message saying they couldn't send it over anymore because of coronavirus and refunded me, which is understandable.
Haha just saw the message you sent. About the tbt, I sent them to a random person and I guess that was you. I wasn't going to be active anymore so I thought I should give them away ^^ My apologies for taking a year to respond ^^;
Also it seems that the state of emergency is affecting mail shipments in Japan too, I got an email from an ebay seller telling me they canceled my order because of the epidemic.
It's not shocking though, people have been trying to clean out our shelves for a while now trying to stock up on supplies, so it's a good stopper for the overreactors.
Ah, that's a relief. Unfortunately I'm still going to work due to being an essential worker, but I've got less hours and I go straight back to my place afterwards, so the lockdown for us hasn't really changed a lot to my schedule.
The layout is kinda weird, and it doesn't even change when it's nighttime! Also yeah, still under lockdown. But what about you, I saw that Japan is in a state of emergency now, are you alright?