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  • Haha chin of a wolf xD. That is very cool that you used to work in the dentistry field! Especially with such an accomplished orthodontist. I just woke up in the middle of the night for that store restock haha xD. Going to bed again in a few.
    My dream town is up to date for my main town, Serenade, if you'd like to check it out and see what I have done with the gyroids :3
    I actually watched the dentist perform procedures on real patients xD. There wasn't as much blood as I expected during the procedures; the only time I was a little grossed out was when this one guy had 11 teeth pulled out for dentures (now that was alot of blood!). I'm go to sleep now, good night ��.
    Ah! No, I don't! I traded someone a few clothing items for a few streetpass items in return. But thank you so much for asking! I appreciate it.
    Hi! I'm getting some stuff ready for a trade, I'll be available in like 30 min, I'll let you know.
    Hi shadowing was fun. I got to see how teeth extractions, root canals, fillings, sealants, crowns, and implants are done. It was really interesting, but at the same time tiring since I was only allowed to watch haha xD. I am not busy anymore since I just finished shadowing today.
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