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  • Aww thank you so much for understand I feel so bad cuz I got your dreamiest I won't mind if she lost other game why have to be acnl I missed u too :) I can give u tbt and buy from other forum I think there a guy he have most villagers the one I bought Whitney recently do u want me to contact him I forgot his user name but I can try search around forum let me know when u have more space available ^^
    Okay, gate is open but idk how stable my internet will be since I'm using my phones, so maybe you can just quickly visit this time and come back later for a better look when my internet isn't being an ******* anymore lol
    I'm having internet problems, trying to connect to my phones wifi since the normal one isn't working for some reason
    Hey Yuki :) if you have a chance tonight i'd love for you to come see Vesper, its far from being complete because i still need a ton of flowers and pwp's but ive made a lot of progress and its a lot different from the last time you were there. Its okay if youre busy and cant though
    Hello Yuki I'm soo sorry my daughter took my acnl without my permission and at that time my bro in law watched her when I got home I asked her but she forgot where she left in the house now I have been try looking for two days still haven't find my other acnl that I still have your dreamiest i hope I can find it soon before too late if not can you let me know when you want Diana and other two move to your town I can buy for u or if u know someone you can buy it I will give you back tbt in return I'm so sorry I was so mad at my daughter i already keep in safe place don't know how she found it :(
    Sorry, I was offline! ^^; If it's still possible, message me when you get back and we can take it from there!
    I just wanted to thank you in person for all of the ingredients you gave Rei Parfait for me =)! I just got them now and I really appreciate them =)!
    OK, no prob. Message me when you get back. If it's not too late, I should still be awake and we can trade then.
    Hi! That would be great! :) I'm still around now, if that works. Or let me know what would work for you and we can go from there.
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