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  • Alright that's fine too :)
    I did do that for a bit, it helped quite a bit. That's great that you're doing good! Even if it is for some secret reason c;
    That's fine, just let me know when she's ready for him. I will have to actually get him in boxes first though.
    It's been okay-ish, I had a migraine all morning though which was awful >.< How was yours?
    I wanted either zen or fairy tale but I was not sure if they would look awkward in my town. Maybe when you come over you can tell me which would look better ^^ I don't think city style would look good with my town, it looks kind of like a country place
    Thank you, you too have an awesome weekend! And thanks again for everything, you're the best! ( /^-^/)♡ Hopefully we'll be able to get together soon, so you can come over >< I just got done building the flower clock! Btw, I'm going to do a town hall remodel but I am not sure what style to use... My town doesn't really have a theme so I just don't know... any suggestions? What style did you go with?
    Anywhere from 9 to 11 am, maybe 12pm too, your time I can be on~ after that I will be going to sleep because sadly I have to wake up early the next day -_______- it wasn't planned, I was supposed to stay in this weekend but our plans changed suddenly haha we're going out of town.
    Sadly I have to go... I will be on at 3/4 am your time but that will be too late for you. If you can't save her it's ok, don't worry about it. I have another villager moving on thr 22nd so maybe I will get someone interesting when the new villager moves in her place~
    My town looks really sad so I am not sure why I got a jacob's ladder or 'perfect town' since it's not very pretty and I don't have a ton of flowers...
    Ahhh really?!? I haven't gotten another one since, but kind of put the jacob's ladder in my room as a special decoration hahaha >< I have to go to work but I can get on really quick if you'd like me to stop by for Mira??
    Good morning xD, I couldn't sleep at all last night, kept waking up in the middle of the night and checking the internet on my phone :(.
    I now see that adding a colon was necessary :p "Sure, it was: 75TBT? and can I pick up, there is no space in my town."
    Hey, maybe we can trade, I get 20 orange roses for 60 tbt, is that ok? If so then can we trade tomorrow?
    Hey do you have dream addresses for your towns? I'd love to visit them ♡
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