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  • Yes, thank you! You wanna visit my town? Mayor and town names are Jess and Farebury. Also, could you please bring some wrapping paper?
    I finally found a map after 6 hours of map hunting so I can get my stuff whenever you're ready just PM me. Should be around for the rest of the day/night
    or if i go to walmart and buy a new cartridge i can definitely hold them cx
    so i'm holding Francine for a friend who accidentally lost her, so if he can cycle through 16 then i can also hold Chadder. c:
    lol sorry x)
    i had to go to bed early cause i have work in the morning~
    i'll try to be on tonight to pick one of them up.
    Lemme check my town really quick and see if i can hold them both <3
    Omg xD Sorry about that looks like i missed you! :X We'll be able to do something tonight! And do you think Kid Cat would stick out of of my town to much?
    I am! I just restarted my town. I work full time now so it is a bit difficult to find time to play. I also may need to re-add your friend code as I cleaned out my list of people I didn't remember. Sorry! D:
    I wish for a new uchi villager. I got Shari's picture already and am thinking of letting her go because her house is smack dab right in front of mine -_-# but I need her for the PWPs I want, she just rarely gives me any suggestions *sigh*
    Oh my goodness, so many cute villagers!! O_O! I love the variety in your first town, I wish for mine to also have lots different villagers running around. But your second town has sooo many little cute ones! And the 5th, so many chubby hamsters!!
    A family town sounds like such a cute idea, I wonder, how do you guys play? Does each person have a character they play with? That sounds like so much fun ><
    Stitches is adorable, I love his colors and those eyes x_x lol but Lopez is adorable too! He's on my list also because 1. His name and 2. I love his colors as well. I wish I had a second game just so I could have even more villagers (._. )
    And youre offline again lol, maybe this is a sign another time would be better. Going to bed now, good night for real this time hehe
    Oh im still here lol, i didnt think youd be back before i got off though. Ill open my gates again
    And it seems like i missed you lol, maybe tomorrow noght if im not too exhausted after work, goodnight!
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