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  • Aw I hope everything goes more slowly baby! And I'm fantastic! I only have 5 more days of this school year left! (More sleep woo) And I am actually very happy with where he is now! I made it like a deserty kind of feel surrounded my water! And I'm going to move Jacques next to him and my 4th alt :3 If you want you can check out my town in like 10-20min? ;3
    omg omg am i late?? shoot ok i'm contacting them right now ughsdf i'm sorry i was busy OTL
    Are you available? Im sorry for the delayed reply i've been very busy. But i'm available anytime for the set!
    Sorry I missed you T~T I was visiting another town during your first VM but I will continue to be on today until we can be on at the same time hehe
    thank u Yuki~
    i'm sorry for making you be the messenger hehe
    buuuut can you ask her one more thing for me? if she's is available on the weekends, and if so, what time?
    eep i have to go to bed ToT
    can you tell CW to add this FC?
    FC: 1864-9701-5872
    he wants kid cat but i can't stay up. I have work to do tomorrow ;-;
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