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  • So once that happens lets say Frita asks to move out on the 20th and I say no I can TT as much backwards as I want right? Sorry for all the questions I just don't want to mess up xD And hopefully I can stay up!
    So this would work and nobody will move out?
    1. Let Ruby go
    2. TT forward a day
    3. Pick up Doc
    4. TT forward to find his plot
    5. TT backwards as much as you like, its counts 1 day technically.

    And okay it's 11:38pm here so I'll stay up how long do you think it will take?
    Oh I just got home from NYC xD I have WiFi for the rest of the night! I was cycling the whole time back xD Question I want to TT backwards and people say that that only counts as 1 day even though you time travel months, That being said Ruby is moving on the 19th should I TT back now or wait until she's in boxes then TT backwards then pick up Doc? But would all that TTing counts as 1 day and nobody will move out
    Hello. I just wanted to disregard my second message and instead see my response in my trade thread for my offer. Sorry for bothering you. ><
    well im glad you.. like how i say things :p anyway, she posted the thread about an hour ago, and then posted a message saying "voiding in 1 hour" a half hour ago. so one would assume she is still around.. plus, i have it on good authority that she sets her status as Invisible. but yeah, ims till posting in the Looking thread so its ok.
    yeah, that person is likely to ignore my messages. she already believes im super rude for asking a simple question.. but we'll see.
    no, i guess i missed out. that person you told me to talk to on tumblr, they never replied. or.. maybe i contacted them the wrong way.
    Lol work has been awful the past couple days, its exhausting. But i have a tricky pitfall for you :) the police finally found one

    Gates will be open so just drop off the stuff. Sorry my town is a mess
    Yes if your still available! Sorry I took a while, I'll send the tbt now, if your not available at this second that's fine too.
    Sorry about that, you should be able to message me back now. Anyways can I get the full ice cream set and a bubble wand? I am not sure how much to offer so around 25tbt or does that sound to low? Thanks
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