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  • Oh yay! Thank you so much :D Well, currently I am on the road, traveling, but in about 7-9 hours I will be around wifi again. Does 9 PM your time work for you? That would be 7:00 AM my time where I am heading, and that would work for me. (Hopefully for you too, lol.)
    ah, that makes more sense now.
    i'm gonna go to bed now, i have to wake up early, yet again 'n'
    which do u prefer, Yuki or Red? idk they're both cute names but i wanna know which one you would prefer
    i looked it up on google and i was not disappointed hahaha
    but i do not see that in the avatar xD
    look @ my cute icon omg <3
    and my cute signature~ ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
    if it ever happens, just send me a VM and i'll help you out bbe
    hopefully i'll be around though ;3; idk how to fix it ugh i wish i did so i could help you.
    I'm sorry (゚´Д`゚)゚
    Okay :) im good, playing xenoblade chronicles right now which is why im not very active on here atm lol
    ;-; stupid bell tree, but yeah, it happened to another thread so it's not only yours.
    i guess you'll just have to wait until it shows up? Or ask an admin about it?
    ah, that happened to me when i was looking for villagers. But it took like 20 minutes and i could see the last post. How long has it been happening to you? Maybe try restarting the computer, close the window and reopen it, or log out and back in again
    I've seen spam in the General AC Discussion Board, but I haven't seen anything weird in threads. What happened to your thread?
    haha yup, but we can play together anytime don't worry lmao so you're not interrupting anything x3
    so what was your question? :eek:
    Is it alright If I do another trade while I'm waiting? Just dont wan't to hold you up.
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