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  • Also, I watched a video how to make okonomiyaki and I just realized how so little cabbages I put in mine. The next time I make it, I will put a mountain of cabbage c:
    Hiya there, OMG thanks so much! XD This is so awesome. Would you like to try to send the code to my email then? If you don't mind of course c:
    Lol he scared himself i would never shoot him, i would only shoot nate and hippeux lol. But good night :) i have a few other screenshots but ill show you them later since i have to make them smaller and thats too much work for right now
    Ahhh sorry if thats really big, but anyways your clay asked me about my slingshot then said that and i thought it was cute lol
    Also thank you, thats so nice of you :) i dont know if i would be able to take her if shes already in boxes though, i dont have a free space and i need to go to bed soon
    I was going to try to show you some screenshots i have but nothing is working, cant email them to myself, cant upload them on facebook, cant upload them to miiverse, its so stupid. Uploading pictures used to. Work fine on my old 3ds but i guess theres nothing you can do on a new 3ds. Ill just take pictures of them with my phone, but they will be worse quality, oh well
    No i havent found freckles yet, and i dont mind originality as long as shes not wearing a hideous shirt lol. But even if she is i can change that so its not a big deal
    Lol the pond one is funny, looks kind of like you kicked me in it, and aw my miranda garden, my favorite spot in my town
    I have very few paths in gmo land, i never figured out a way to make them look nice, but im going to try to have a lot in vesper and make it look completely different from gmo land, it should be fun since ive never made a town like that before :)
    Lol its fine, sorry for the wait, im putting placeholder paths down in vesper :) ill open gmo land in a minute
    Also i fixed my alts bedroom, let me know when youd like to come see if it looks any better lol
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