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  • Hello sorry for the late reply. I think I understand what you're saying. So I pick an item and go to the catalog and buy the item I want and return the item I am carrying back where I found it? If it's not too late may I still catalog from you?
    That would be great :) are you able to get on now or are you still not supposed to play games?
    Lol well i didnt have to deal with any grumpy or mean or demanding clients which is always nice and it was just a peaceful easy day, and i have tomorrow off which is nice, i have a four day weekend <3
    Yep! I need a bunch >.< I don't mind spending the TBT, because there's really not much I need anymore to spend it on (and it's easy enough to get). Thank you, though! I might be a bit busy later tonight, so if I'm not here I should be available tomorrow at any time c:
    Hey! How many clovers do you have? If you still have 50 and I can manage to get like, 8 more tbt (should be easy enough xD) I'd love to buy them if possible!
    Hey. My town is called Bray, and I'm available from 12 midnight GMT onwards most days. I can be on earlier or later if its more convenient to you though.
    Interesting! I had no idea that there was a difference. Thank you for educating me on that :blush:
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