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  • hey quick question do you perhaps have some of the items i'm looking for on my list?

    anything you are willing too sell is appreciated
    Well honestly I have no idea xD He's in main street so what does that mean? And if Skye stops being a butt by Wednesday I have another cycler who can hold him for a very long time for me! And wow does Skye not like you haha
    agh shame! I haven't really wanted to see my friends as of late as I've been really grumpy! :(

    I also have acne which I'm taking medication for (the medication basically flushes out my pores making my face look like pizza DX, apart from this it hurts my kidneys which are very sensitive as is, Even as I'm writing this I bought some really nice tea from a market yesterday and it hurts my kidneys when I drink it even tho I've drank like 10 glasses of water ;___:)

    I've also just bought lots of nice clothes for the new season and I don't feel like wearing them because of my face.

    I am NOT having a good weak.
    I've been sleeping like 5 hours or so I guess. I've just been really anxious lately because of certain things and my family is against the use of sleeping tablets so I kinda just roll around in bed until I fall asleep.

    But it will pass.
    How're you?
    Ah! I have been busy as well! I don't know why but I haven't been sleeping well in the slightest so I've been waking up at like 12 in the morning.
    OH sorry, I haven't been on my threads in a while. She is no longer available, I'm sorry!
    Hiya Red! ^^ Just shooting you a vm letting you know I'll be on for a while. If you are too, I'd be more than happy to pick up the clothes! (Sorry for making them sit there so long!!)
    hi yuki! :D aww...i hope more good than bad. it's good, just really exhausted these days but it's fine. i just can't wait for the weekends and i miss having more than just the weekend off but can't complain. how's the weather in japan right now?
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