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  • Aww, my Thanksgiving was wonderful. I really enjoyed spending time with my family ^ v ^ Thank you so much for asking <3 You're so sweet. Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday?

    Also, I apologize for replying so late. I haven't been very active lately TT ^ TT I hope you'll forgive me
    Sorry!! I missed you ;^;
    right now it's 18:23 in Argentina, so it seems I'm exactly 12 hours behind you (omg how funny, we are exactly on opposite sides of the earth :'D )

    anyway I added your fc and can trade whenever you can, I'll be around until late at night so it's ok. Thanks a bunch!
    It's cool.

    Well, I actually want all that stuff. The thing is I have never gotten around to sorting it all into my mail...yes into my mail.... I plan on using those flowers in someway around the beach and in Hana's house when I get around to it.

    Also, I need flowers on any space in my town lol. I hate Gyroids.....
    True... some really abuse that and its sad... and sorry about your ex. I hope he meant no harm.

    If only I had a spare town I could take your junk and sell it for you. But sadly I only have the one.
    Well if we have a plan someway we could sell that stuff, and lol why are you talking to me while you are on duty.
    I understand, it really is nuts these days. I don't know how people can make that many bells.
    And, 1 million for ONE BUSH?! ONE BUSH?!

    I could help you storage out the goods and help you make a thread.
    Ek! Hmm.... how many bells you need anyway?
    How about we make a huge selling thread with all the junk? But it will take sometime lol.
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