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  • Just read the thread... I see! So there might be a chance that when I find my next mover and TT to the day she/he leaves, I might already have someone else from the void taking up that space that I wanted to give to Marina. We'll have to cross our fingers! :)
    Ok, I am now back from the gym too, so available!

    Not sure if I'd get Daisy.. I've scanned in a villager in order to get Marina in boxes, so I'll have ten villagers either way when you come and pick up Marina, as Cherry is set to move in instead. Should be fine then, no?
    Hello! I am online now for a little bit, and then I'll be off to the gym and back at around 10AM CET. Thanks so much again for helping out! :)
    Hi! As you'll probably see my two DM's when you log on, I just wanted to let you know I'm off to bed now, I'll be on again in an hour or 10 from now. I'll just keep Fantasia on yesterday's date to avoid Marina from moving out :)
    In the temporary cage it's easy for Justin to fling them out. In their big cage the first floor has a poo guard around it to prevent the poos from getting out so the little buggers figured out that they need to be on the second or third levels to fling the pellets out. They're too smart for our own good! They're okay so far but they're both still sleeping. We'll be waking them up soon for their first play date. I'm getting by. How are you today? How are Mao & your kitten cat?
    Hi! I’d interested in your painting offer!

    Let me know when you could meet and which FC to add. Thanks!!
    I am happy to see that they're eating & digesting their food with no problems. However these two have a habit of flinging a couple out of the cages & onto the floor. That I'm not too happy to see. lol!
    Yes. It doesn't help that the two of them are little poo pellet machines either. lol! That's what moms do. We take care of everyone else. I'm so sorry you're feeling under the weather. I hope your doctor can give you some relief.
    We're okay. It's a bit harder to take care of them separately. Two cages to clean, two dinners to prepare. I can't wait until Justin gets his stitches out on March 4th. How have you been today?
    It's all good Yuki, no hard feelings and no worries! ;) I am just glad you were able to help them out in such a generous manner! :) I hope you have a great day as well my very dear & sweet friend! :D
    Ahah ironic enough they are the rooms I spent the least time decorating but enjoyed the most afterwards. Happy to hear you liked them, and ofc I always appreciate dream visitors ^-^ I kept your fc added btw, so if you see gates open feel free to come say hi & see the town live lol
    Oh wow, I wonder why I didn't get a notification for this msg o.o A friend told me she could get me the items and did, that was why I locked the thread. Thank you so much still ♡
    You don't have to be sorry. It is silly & cute to think of arranging for them to have time together - especially since their brothers. You'd think they'd remember they're very own actual sibling but nope. lol! Cats seem to recognize each other easier. Dogs as well. Rats don't have very good eye sight so maybe that's why they have a hard time remembering each other. Or maybe they're just lovably weird - like me. :D
    I know it's a silly sentence but rats get very territorial and when separated for too long get very skittish with each other. Who knew rats were so finicky, right? We had them together a couple of time today and they seemed happy to see each other. Justin still had to bop Nico a couple of time but Nico's slowly getting the hint. Sigh... very slowly. lol! Thank you for the well wishes.
    My pleasure! Yes, poor Justin's face is sore & has stitches so he's a bit grumpy. His brother, Nicodemus, doesn't understand & tries to groom Justin's face for him but then Justin bats him away so Nico's sad because he doesn't understand why his brother is pushing him away. We have to keep them in separate cages for the next 10 days but let them be together for at least a hour a day so they don't forget each other. I feel bad for both of them - Justin who is sore & Nico who just wants to help but can't. I'm sorry your poor kitty needed so many surgeries. I'm sure Mao & you were gave him tons of love & attention while he was healing. Aww, 2 years is a long time for kitty & Mao and you to have to go through all of that. I'm glad your boy is doing better now! Hopefully our rats will stay healthy once Justin's face has healed. I always forget to take care of me. I'm too busy making sure everyone else is okay. lol!
    I didn't want to hop off for the night without stopping by. Hope you're doing well!
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