peachesandicecream Apr 7, 2015 Hello again! I see that you have Rosie she's a dreamie of mine! Is there anything I can do to have her?
Hello again! I see that you have Rosie she's a dreamie of mine! Is there anything I can do to have her?
korumi Apr 5, 2015 Hello, your wetsuit is ready! Thank you for the wait, please feel to stop by to pick it up!
Half-Hearted Mar 28, 2015 Your items are ready for collection. I'll be online for the next 6 hours or so. Edit: I can't order the turkey though.... sorry!
Your items are ready for collection. I'll be online for the next 6 hours or so. Edit: I can't order the turkey though.... sorry!
Delibird Mar 23, 2015 Hi! Someone is giving away Pudge for free at this thread! I don't know how long they will be holding him for, but thought I would let you know just in case c:
Hi! Someone is giving away Pudge for free at this thread! I don't know how long they will be holding him for, but thought I would let you know just in case c:
Arcticfox5 Mar 22, 2015 Sorry for the late response! Yes, I would still like to trade! Are you available now?
Margot Mar 21, 2015 Hey I'll take the tub, and the 10 bamboo shoots. 3 mil okay? I'll PM you when I'm done with this trade.
Hey I'll take the tub, and the 10 bamboo shoots. 3 mil okay? I'll PM you when I'm done with this trade.