Erik's gonna be the first one moving out of Ferelden on the 15th, gonna TT and auction him.
Now, the thing is, he didn't ping me. ALL OF THE GUIDES have said "talk to them once when they move in then ignore them for the rest of the time and they'll move". That's worked... Once. I talked to Sterling, Annalisa, Erik and Alfonso once, so I'm going to hope it was just a tossup between those since I wasn't talking to them. But that doesn't explain my problem with Mathilda and Chow. They've been around for MONTHS, and Pierce just asked to move out. Why won't they LEAVE? I talked to them like I was supposed to, but I have alts, but my alts have only introduced themselves to everyone, so it's not like that should be screwing up the order. I think I accidentally talked to Mathilda twice, but... WHY WON'T THEY LEAVE? Do I seriously have to talk to them and do some **** for them before they finally move their asses? It's torture, they never ping me and they never move. Ugh.
How's it goin for you?