Fairytale Jul 26, 2014 It's 7 hours later, and I'm heading to bed. I really wanna get rid iof your items ASAP.
Fairytale Jul 26, 2014 I have all yor items, but your 2 blue and 2 golden roses died.. I forgot to put them on the beach. Sorry.
I have all yor items, but your 2 blue and 2 golden roses died.. I forgot to put them on the beach. Sorry.
Fairytale Jul 1, 2014 Hey, sorry for being so annoying, hehe.. I can hold them for ages! So you don't need to hurry up.
tinytaylor Jun 20, 2014 just now remembering but I'm pretty sure I won your auction for the cherry collectable ~
Skeol Jun 17, 2014 I'm ready now~ I already have you added, just tell me whenever you can open your gates. c:
CainWolf Jun 15, 2014 Just noticed your visitor message after I sent my private message, you can come over now if you want, your friend code is registered, my gate is open, the stuff is on the ground, town's name is Crystal.
Just noticed your visitor message after I sent my private message, you can come over now if you want, your friend code is registered, my gate is open, the stuff is on the ground, town's name is Crystal.
tinybears Jun 14, 2014 oh man that was like half an hour ago i'm so sorry i'm free now if you wanna do i t now ;_;
Arcticfox5 Jun 12, 2014 Haha! It's because I get an email notification when someone sends me a message on here. But sure, that's fine.
Haha! It's because I get an email notification when someone sends me a message on here. But sure, that's fine.
Zulehan Jun 12, 2014 He he, different time zones sure make for tricky trading. I'll keep an eye out for you.