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  • Thank you again, seriously, for being so patient and friendly. Sorry about having to go back and forth though. :p
    Just finished up the trade, and am switching games now. :p
    Thank you again and thank you for being so incredibly patient.
    :p It's no problem. You put up an item like a fruit or flower up for sale at Re-Tail for 999,999 bells. Since it's gonna be 4.5M I'd say four worth 999,999 and one for 500K. I'll buy them and the next day the bells will appear in your bank. It just makes it faster than having to drop every bag.
    Great! I'm currently doing a flower related trade and I'm guessing it will take 5 minutes max, but let me add you now. Are you doing Retail Method? :)
    4.5M would be great! :p
    I'd be paying from my first town and taking Marine into my second.
    Are you available now?
    I remember the general one being 100TBT for 6M IGB, and I say general because the threads that buy TBT or buy IGB, decide on it with the person they're trading with.
    How much is that exactly? I've been off here for a while and don't know if the conversion rate got higher than the last time I checked.
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