Didn't get your other messages, sorry. I am working on it, but I can tt a lot to get him to move. I can pick Drago up tomorrow, I have a lot of homework today.
Hi I just messaged you on tumblr but I just want to say sorry for not giving you her just yet... my life's a bit hectic at the moment.
I promise she's still yours. xx
That is nice! I am making no progress on Julian but you will get him ASAP, I promise!
Whenever Drago is ready I will take his. Queenie is moving soon so that will put me at 8. You can have Queenie if you want (if you even have room). Keep me posted!
I'm glad it's no problem! And thank you! As for Stitches.... he's gone through the 16 villager cycle already, so he's eligible. I'll see if he comes through!
Thank you so so so so much! You saved my bacon, there. I'll pick her up on Monday if she's ready! By the way, is there some villager you're looking for? I'll look for them in my giveaway town.