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  • Do you TT in it? I ask because PinkWater might not be able to get Molly tonight, and I need to pick up Fauna in my second town tonight.
    It's okay, really. I'm just glad that you can get him so I can continue tting. I had a friend over anyway, so I probably couldn't have done it.
    I'll start tting in my second town now, because my main is boring me. If any of your dreamies or Marshal asks to go, I'll let you know asap. Also, Diana is wearing the horrible duck shirt, so hopefully you don't mind.
    I understand. I hate when people put threads like that because it gets everyone's hopes up, but then no one can get the villager. I'll work on my second town when Merengue asks to go. Also, is Marshal a dreamie of yours/do you have him? If no, then it would be amazing if you could hold and tt out my Marshal from my second town when he asks to leave.
    I just found a person who has Diana in their campsite. I asked if they are going to move her in and tt her out. If they are, then that Diana will go to you.
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