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  • You could try to befriend Harriet and get all the boy hairstyles and then she'll ask you if you would like a girl hairstyle. Then select yes. On City Folk, you could go to Kicks and get shoes that are of feminine style instead of a masculine one...So, that's just a few ways you can crossdress.
    Hey, Rooster. I just made another cool pattern with tons of squares. Anywho, in animal crossing, do you ever crossdress your character for fun? I do, sometimes.
    I know I'm really late, I just saw your message! I haven't logged on in a while. Sorry :( Here is the stalk market guide. This is for City Folk, so I don't know if it applies to the other games. But it's extremely helpful if you study it well!
    I'm doing good. I got enough to get the yellow feather, and I have donated another 100 thousand bells. I got Roscoe's picture today. Other than that, not much has happened on wild world.
    Rooster, I just want to inform you, -just in case you don't know how- that in order to get online on the 3DS friend's list is by tapping the square smiley face with the stylus. It should become orange to signal to you that you're online. Now, if you go one time to the right of your screen with the analog stick, you should see your mii and your friend code on the top 3D screen. The friend code is on the bottom of the screen.Also, make sure the wireless switch is on on the right side of your 3DS. It should have it's yellow light on.
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