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  • Alright! Its actually 8 pm my time, but ill be up most of the night. I just love rain too much to sleep lol. LMK when youre ready!
    I am. It hasn't rained like this in ages!! The one night we finally have time I'm a: exhausted from school and b: a huge thunderstorm, lol!
    Ah ~ oh no! I think it would be best to continue tomorrow because 1. I was actually falling asleep, which was why I was going to slow xD and 2. The storm isn't letting up and I dont want it to happen again! VM me when you wake up/are available and I will vm you back! I have school from 8:30 am - 3:45 pm :) Sorry!!
    yay! and save more often because theres a HUGE thunderstorm going on and i don't wanna loose service - but if i do i want progress to be saved. so maybe ever 20 - 30 mil?
    Ohmygod, that's awesome! I wanna be a cardiothoracic surgeon! 8)

    I'll always be here for ya! <3 :)
    *high fives* I wanna be a doctor, too! 8)

    Don't doubt yourself! I'm sure you'd become a great doctor! :) It's okay to not meet up to your expectations at times. Just keep going. I'm sure you can do great! :D If you want to go for another career, it's best to think t through and have a plan.

    and thank you, omg~ <3
    why? :eek: is there something wrong?

    I'm stressed since have a lot to do and I'm working at the last minute. I also have commissions from over a month ago that I need to complete. o.o
    Ah, right. The trade was waiting for so long that I decided to just go to someone who had less trades. When I get up to 100 bells again, then I'll message you and we can do the trade again.
    thats fine, is it ok if we do it in your town and just do 25mil now? :) i'll give 100 tbt for it, yes? and then the rest whenever we do the rest?
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