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  • HIIII okay so I actually have the vanity ahaha I didn't see it until now XD also I updated my list! Once I order everything you are free to catalog them all too!! <33
    Yay I’m happy to help with anything I’ll see if my store has any! And no worries take your time. Hehe this game literally has us searching for everything.
    My dodo code is LNLD5

    Just look in my house and let me know whatever you want to cataloug.
    I already dropped a few things in front of my house.
    Hi I have the nail art set and the sleeping bag, blue persian rug in the colors you want you can have them if you want to trade them for the t-rex skull :)
    I actually changed some prices since yesterday evening, so you'd have come to a higher total cost than yesterday. But I'm obviously selling them to you for yesterday's prices since that's when you ordered them. :)
    It'll be 240k all together by the way, sorry for not having mentioned that sooner!
    I'd prefer to do it in my town; I'm trying to get 100 visitors so I can change the appearance of my train station. Not too fond of the yellow version, haha.

    My gates will be open in about a minute!
    Hello! Your order is ready, including the music box of K.K. Bossa like you requested. I'm about to trade with someone right now, but will you still be available in around ten minutes?
    Haha, don't worry about the misunderstanding. Thank you for being patient with me; I'll let you know when I'm available!

    Also, welcome to the forums!
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