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  • That's fine! I was just looking for something cute and girly. But I totally understand if you can't ^^
    I will have to do that instead! :eek: unfortunately though, I have no wifi until Monday (was in the process of transferring my utilities to my new place) so I can't get you him until then :(
    I've had Doc move out w/o telling me, which is fine, I wanted him gone. And Papi pinged me to give me a present B( I REFUSE TO GIVE UP THOUGH! I've been ignoring him so I'm really hoping he pings me to move soon. And I didn't know that :eek: ill have to try that
    Good! I forgot to mention that haha but he's being stubborn, he refused to move after pinging me, so I'm TT him out for you, but he's being stubborn xD
    I may be getting him from someone else soon, but I'll keep the auction in mind. :)
    well idk maybe you should get up to 10 villagers? because idk maybe there will be a higher chance of someone wanting to move
    boy i really hope you get them out!!
    I talk to all new villagers, and then every now and then change from am to pm and talk to all others. ~ usually whenever I have gotten 15-20 or so hybrids and I have my main town collect them.
    Hokies, well I'm off to bed now, only an hour and a half later than I wanted. D:
    It is silly, if this was my main town (that I don't TT) and I played daily and no one moved for 2 months I wouldn't be happy.
    I don't understand the whole backward travelling use. The game doesn't register it as a time gap or anything, just a backwards step, people are marketing ideas on coincidence. And I prefer to go forward so I know how many days I've covered and it means I can pick a couple 3x3 bits of hybrids by house and collect new ones daily as I go. (And I usually set clock to 5:58/59, so I only have to change time every other load and can still get told who has boxed up every day.)
    How this is taking so long I do not know. I have now TTed 6 months and in the past 3 only 2 villagers have left. D: What is wrong with these clingy little mammals.
    I am going to bed soon. It is 5am. V.V
    Oh btw I'm TTing again now. For the next hour and then going to bed to continue tomorrow. And I'll just let all the other villagers go (minus Sprinkle, sho should be easy to place somewhere) to get Shari for you. (y)
    Haha, okay. I am just trying (and failing) to get JezDayy to realise I have Benjamin boxed up for him. ~ He is very good at going offline the moment you send a VM. <_<; If he doesn't come back in the 30 minutes I'll keep TTing to get Shari out for you.
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