Rover AC

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  • oh my gosh, your room is the model room in the city!
    by the way, lyle hates the lamp because he thinks it counts as junk.
    Please forgive me, i had such a splitting headache.... i will see you at my town at my concert..
    Haha yeah, I was in the IRC at the time Jeremy was making things for the shop and picked me for whatever reason.
    And yes, I'm really 20.
    Lol why do people put Animal Crossing in their name!? I checked the member list and their is over 50 with AC,ACCF,or ACC,and AnimalCrossing in their usename,the majority are inactive! what is the point in joining and not going on ever again? it's a waste of a username,now nobody else will be able to use that username.

    ...sorry for raging,I somewhat thought it be appropriate to post on your
    Well, that was fun. Do you know anyone else with the game? If you do, we could have a tag battle. You need four people, though...
    Okay, I have my crappy little team ready. Just keep in mind that I haven't used these Pokemon in months, so...
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