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  • Are you still coming? I'll close the gates and close the game if not so I can keep that turnip price for as long as possible. I'm good either way, just wanted to check.

    I can keep them open if you're still coming.

    Yup, I've just added you and loading the game now. Gates will open in a couple of minutes. Town is TreeTown, Mayor is Petunia.
    Yup. Turnips are still 642 bells in my 2ds town. Sorry I was afk for a bit. I can stay active here and add you + open my gates if you want. Just let me know.

    Hanging Plants - do you mean house plant set?
    aloe 1200
    bromeliaceae 1300
    caladium 1300
    coconut palm 1200
    corn plant 1300
    croton 1300
    dracaena 2000
    fan palm 1300
    lady palm 1200
    pachira 1200
    pothos 1300
    rubber tree 1300
    snake plant 1200
    weeping fig 1200
    Hi, normally I would say yes, but I'm currently picking up a villager, so I can't do two villagers at once. Sorry and I hope you find someone told hold on to your villager.
    I am so sorry! The other person who had kid cat is responding to me and has him in boxes, going to go w/ her! Best of luck to you!
    Yes i just need to make room, just adopted felicity!!! But I still need her if you have her?!?!?!
    Hey if you're still willing to help me out with signatures, I'd love to come over! I just added you. In your town, should I follow you or is it okay to walk around?
    I'm sorry, she's been claimed. all villagers are free as well, just for future reference, I never accept TBT or any payment :)
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