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  • It's good, I got 3 Houndour eggs from someone, but they all turned out rubbish natures and abilities.. So I'll just breed another one later in the game :p

    Btw, did you miss my earlier message?
    I'm also pretty bad, I won like ten battles in 5th gen out of around 500 battles or so

    I don't have a main pokemon, but I started with Chespin
    No problem!

    Really? My town was in weeds and stuff when he was around :)
    He should start talking about your town :)
    Yeah, I was snooping around in invisibility and he's done so much that I made it my mission to find Marina because she is hard to come by
    Thanks! :)

    Oh and tell your friend TruexGentleman that I am getting Marina later today. I'm trading my Marshal for Marina on reddit. If he still needs her, I will happily give her to him.
    If you have a male and female Houndour.. (Or a female one with another Pokémon from the same egg group.. Or, any gender one with a Ditto) .. They should definitely breed :eek:
    Rubbbbbby <3 I need your opinion on something. Thinking of doing a giveaway during the month of December. Should I do one big giveaway or a giveaway for each day in December? o_O
    I see :p .. I don't think that's actually stopping him from moving though, haha.. It's all randomisedd
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