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  • SaltedKaramel - Order ready
    Rococo Set - minus wall/floor
    bed 3520
    candlestick 3120
    chair 3100
    clock 3360
    dresser 2540
    lamp 3200
    shelf 3820
    sofa 2100
    table 3600
    vanity 3120
    wardrobe 2400 = 33,880
    Sleek set
    bed 1640
    carpet 1540
    chair 1400
    clock 1580
    closet 1800
    dresser 1600
    lamp 1680
    sideboard 1800
    side table 1900
    sofa 1600
    stereo 1680
    table 1600
    wallpaper 1540 = 21,360
    ebony piano 3800 = 59,040 + fee = 60,000 (25)
    Hello sorry for the delay. Im currently playing. I added you, write in my profile when you are available to open the door
    Hi! I thought I might as well congratulate you on your Crescent Moon Wand! I hope you enjoy it. :)
    Just want to say thanks for the heads-up on the Scoot giveaway. I sadly missed it, but I appreciate you trying to help me out!
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