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  • Hey I'm open if you want to come over
    I'm still waiting for someone to trade but I'm sick of waiting xD
    Hey, hey it's alright :) *hugs*
    In a minute or so, I'm going to trade (hopefully) with someone soon. Then we can hang out :D
    I had my gate open forever when you were online last night
    I guess we missed each other xD
    We need to set up a time. A time to meet each night. But no later than 1am because I have school.... XP
    And also~I still don't have my iPod back (might get it back today, not sure) so until then I have to use this laptop and my mother (of course) restricts my use from it all the time. 15min, she says. UGH >_<
    When I have my iPod back, I'll be off and on, just like before. I'll be on at 8:30pm - 9:30pm, hopefully, unless she changes the rules again
    That aside, I hope I can see you today! Sorry you stayed up all night <33
    lol its fineeee
    Today should be good. I'm gonna get my mum to unlock that thingy! (Hopefully she'll agree :/)
    lol it's okay <3
    we're not going now xD
    lol you're kidding! It's the best :D
    You want to come over now?
    Yeah, we were going to get Sims 4
    My dad is watching the Steelers vs the Ravens and my mom is bored, so she wanted to get the new Sims game.
    Gahhhh I wish we could meet up lol it's torture seeing you on but i can't invite you over xD
    We were gonna leave but our car's battery is dead
    we're trying to get a jump...we're waiting inside in the mean time xD
    Buddy! <33
    I can't believe we caught each other lol
    I don't know how long I'll be on though, my mom is debating on getting Sims 4... (So I might go with her)
    Lol I'll look it up tomorrow. Good night :)
    By the way did you see how I axed your name I'm the keep your eyes closed thing? xD
    Lol never even heard of AD (unless we're talking about A.D. And B.C.)

    Yay! I thought so

    Ooh kitchen princess... Does she cook or clean? xD
    Aww >.< I have to get up at 8, if that helps lol
    Thanks ^-^ oh I wanted to ask~ I went to the library today and they had graphic manga novels :D I got a few Mew Mew ones. Have you read them? Also, what's a good manga to read? I just started reading them today. Our library (in town) sucks and has like practically nothing, so they don't have manga. We went to the one at the beach and there were way more books. I hate our town library >.<
    Nice :/
    Yeah, I'm super tired. It's 1am here and I have church tomorrow...
    Yeah maybe you can visit tomorrow again ^^
    For now though, good night~ *yawns*
    I'm gonna regret being up till 1am... xD
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