SweetSpark Nov 30, 2013 I noticed you have robin and rowan as dreamies! I have Robin in my cycling town, so be sure to check out my thread!
I noticed you have robin and rowan as dreamies! I have Robin in my cycling town, so be sure to check out my thread!
kerryelizabeth Nov 5, 2013 He's moving out in four days, but I can TT him into boxes if you have a space before then, or I can TT to keep him in boxes if it takes longer than four
He's moving out in four days, but I can TT him into boxes if you have a space before then, or I can TT to keep him in boxes if it takes longer than four
Purin Sep 8, 2013 Hi, I saw that you didn't win Zucker. Sorry about that =( But another person just posted an auction http://www.reddit.com/r/AdoptMyVillager/comments/1lynb1/a_zucker/ If you can't post I can post for you =)
Hi, I saw that you didn't win Zucker. Sorry about that =( But another person just posted an auction http://www.reddit.com/r/AdoptMyVillager/comments/1lynb1/a_zucker/ If you can't post I can post for you =)
Purin Sep 8, 2013 Hi :) I know you've been looking for Zucker for a long time and I wanted to let you know he's also on auction on reddit- http://www.reddit.com/r/AdoptMyVillager/comments/1lygu6/a_zucker_the_lazy_octopus_in_boxes/
Hi :) I know you've been looking for Zucker for a long time and I wanted to let you know he's also on auction on reddit- http://www.reddit.com/r/AdoptMyVillager/comments/1lygu6/a_zucker_the_lazy_octopus_in_boxes/
samyfav Aug 30, 2013 Hmm. I filled up that space yesterday... But no worries I'll TT someone out today hopefully..
Razur Aug 30, 2013 Hooray! That didn't take too long! Yes I still have her. I'll TT up to the day when I get a response from you.
Hooray! That didn't take too long! Yes I still have her. I'll TT up to the day when I get a response from you.
Razur Aug 29, 2013 Darn I was looking to move her out soon. xD; Alright I can wait, but I'd like to move her ASAP.
Razur Aug 29, 2013 I have Cookie moving in my town. Would you be interested in adopting? I can TT up to the date.
K K Kotarou Aug 27, 2013 Thanks so much! Dx Okay, I'll stay online constantly. Is he thinking of moving? :3
M M Miss Renee Aug 27, 2013 I really appreciate that you thought of me but unfortunately I was sleeping. D: