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  • Please do!! and I always love helping out, Mii probably wanted her more as well c: thank you~I will let you know <3
    Heya, could you please cancel my reservation and transfer it to Mii? Thank you C:
    I just wanted Mii to have their last dreamie~
    Hope you enjoy having Bunnie in your town! Sorry I had to lead you through all of my trees/flowers to find her. She's was in -the- most crowded spot in my town. ^^
    Sure I will get everything together now and add you. Let me know when your gates are open I will only be about 10 minutes.
    Going to move onto other orders since the only town I see is Halas with Mayor Holly
    I am sorry I missed you at 10:30 pm. I should be checking the boards in about 6 hours from this post and then again in 12 hours.
    Broflovski - Order ready
    kitchen corner 1800
    kitchen sink 2400
    washer/dryer 1800
    upright vacuum 1800
    vintage camera 1800
    bass 2400
    biwa lute 1800
    cello 1800
    country guitar 1700
    electric guitar 1900
    folk guitar 1600
    metal guitar 1800
    rock guitar 1800
    harp 1700
    mic stand 1800
    music stand 1280
    vibraphone 1900
    bagpipes 1200
    djimbe drum 1900
    drum set 1800
    ebony piano 3800
    pipe organ 3600
    sitar 1200
    timpano drum 2100
    virgo harp 4800 = 51,480 + fee = 60,000 (25)
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