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  • Sorry no. Personally I don't think you should have made a selling thread if she wasn't even in boxes. Then ask the buyer to pay in advance for her.
    But good luck selling her.
    Oh if she isn't in boxes now don't worry. I can't hold a place in my main town that long.
    Let alone pay you now if she isn't even in boxes. .
    It's okay, I'm not really interested in the offer anymore. Sorry for the trouble!
    None I'm willing to part with.
    You can sell her to the other person.
    I'll just look else where.
    You said 200tbt.. sorry not going to go any higher than what you originally stated.
    Aw, she sounds awesome, but it seems someone else on here really wants Merengue instead~! Maybe we can trade another time in the future~?
    Why did you edit your order? I have everything ready but then you added more. Atleast repost it not edit so i can see it. And itll be 94 tbt excluding the extra brewset you and cardboard you edited. You will have to pick it up since its a huge order. I will open my gates once i hvae received the tbt.
    Hi for the sets its actually 1 tbt ea furniture not 1 tbt for the whole set. I can give it to you for 5 tbt ea set.
    is it the rule of forum that just can post "bump" when u want ot bump the thread?(want to make sure)
    In my point of view,all the words that not respone to the other=bumping
    i just know that such action can only do every 4-5hrs
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