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  • I believe Oblivia has already told you what to do in this current situation.
    All users have the right to choose who they'd like to let into their town, and if someone is uncomfortable with you or any member visiting for whatever reason then they're well within their rights to deny entry. I'd recommend simply dropping the issue and finding someone else who's more comfortable trading with you.
    If something happened that you think may go against the site rules, you're welcome to report it.
    I'm afraid there's not much the site staff can do when it comes to disputes about something that took place in-game, as it's impossible for us to verify exactly what happened. You'll have to work things out directly with the person.
    If you want my TBT show me your OCs, who you're buying from, and what items you need o_O
    Sorry, I will still say no. If you read the first post your list is way too long anyhow.
    Yes, I did. I do not wish to trade with you anymore. Previous trades or almost trades that never happened in a timely manner. You are blocked for this reason.
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