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  • Hey thanks for the offer. I actually adopted an unoriginal one last night. All she was missing is the little drum in her house and I changed her back into her original shirt. Thank you so much though!
    I was at work when you posted that last message and then I did not come online that evening since we went to see "Deadpool". OMG, if you are an adult, go see that haha flick.
    Yikes, sorry about that. I was feeling bad and retired to the bedroom to feel better. I am back and forth now. Are you still available?
    SensaiGallade - Order ready
    -Dragon suit 340
    -Star tee 370
    -Natty tee 380
    -Jade plaid shirt 360
    -Chef outfit 640
    -Denim jacket 420
    -Spider web tee 320
    -Garden tank (no tee) 420
    -No.1 shirt 250
    -Spring kimono 800
    -Blossoming dress 620
    -Kimono 820
    -Ninja sandals 480
    -Kimono sandals 480
    -Geisha wig 1600 = 8300 + fee = 10,000 (15)
    hi there your order is ready but I will have to make two trips, I have most everything in the first trip and in the second trip will be the pave set, it will be another 5 minutes as I have someone coming to pick an order for a afternoon tea set as soon as they are done I will be on my way thank you so much for your kind words and patience it means a LOT to me!
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