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  • I'm sorry for not coming after all, I couldn't find the time for it. I hope Static has/had a great birthday anyway. c:
    You don't have to open your town just yet, I'm still in bed and haven't started my town for today yet. I'll let you know when I can come, probably in an hour or something.
    Hey, can I just drop off what I have and then send the other blue roses tomorrow? >___<
    No problem! Let me get them all together. I have to come with 2 different towns, okay? >____<
    do you still need more roses? let me know! although, this might be difficult because we have a huge time zone difference :<
    do you still need more roses? let me know! although, this might be difficult because we have a big time zone difference :<
    Hi got your order, i will be home around 2pm PST. if you're onkine then, i can have your order ready, if not let me know what time is good for you c: thanks!
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