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  • serena186 - Order ready
    - Astro:
    closet 3480
    dresser 3400
    - modern end table 1900
    - Polka dot:
    bed 2400
    chair 2400
    dresser 2400
    lamp 2400
    low table 2400
    sofa 2400
    stool 2400
    TV 2400
    Notebook bed 23760
    Notebook wardrobe 23760
    Eraser sofa 23760
    Sticker tape liner 23760
    Set square table 23760
    Pencil screen 23760
    Notebook wall 23760
    Notebook floor 23760
    - cat tower 1600 = 219,660 + fee = 220,000 (20)
    Ohh I do, haha.. My gosh, time passes way faster when you have little ones! You have a good day, too ^.^
    No problem at all! It was great ^.^ It was her first birthday where she actually understood it was her birthday <3
    I can come right now - I have like 5 spare minutes before I have to head out. You available?
    Campus: closet, bed, screen, table, dotliner, carpet, wall, sofa
    Do you mean this?
    Campus Set
    Notebook bed 23760
    Notebook wardrobe 23760
    Eraser sofa 23760
    Sticker tape liner 23760
    Set square table 23760
    Pencil screen 23760
    Notebook wall 23760
    Notebook floor 23760 = 190,080
    Hi! I'll be online on and off for the rest of the day checking back in and what not.. Hopefully we can catch each other for me to deliver your sloppy set ^.^
    Hi i think i was supposed to get my brewstoids but forgot Dx are you available? And my town or yours?
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